About Lynda Haddon

Lynda HaddonLynda Haddon is the mother of four grown-up children, including dizygotic twin daughters as well as a delighted and proud grandmother. She has been involved with multiple birth issues for over three decades, is a Past President of Multiple Births Families Association in Ottawa, Canada, as well as of Multiple Births Canada, Canada’s only national support organization for multiples and their families.

Lynda taught multiple-birth specific prenatal classes for 22 years and has written, developed and expanded the support literature for new and expecting parents (and for grandparents too!). To support and assist others in providing multiple-birth specific class content for their own prenatal classes, Lynda has created two prenatal content Guidelines: one for the lay person setting up classes; and the second, for healthcare professionals who want specific information geared for families expecting twins, triplets or more. Both sets of Guidelines can be purchased off the Home Page of this Site.

Besides assisting parents expecting multiples, Lynda has also worked extensively with bereaved multiple-birth families, grandparents, surviving co-multiples and the professionals who look after them. She has spoken at Perinatal Loss Conferences nationally and internationally and written and developed bereavement support literature covering many support topics. Lynda created Multiple Births Canada’s Loss Support Network and penned a monthly e-newsletter, Forever Angels, from 1994 until 2016.

Lynda was a member of the Ottawa Coalition for the Prevention of Low Birth Weight for its duration of 12 years and its Chair for the final five years.

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